Bawah Lake and Pulau Besar Lake founded at Zamrud petroleum exploration fields. It is has wonderful view that very astonishing. Entirely of the lake founded Fauna reservation that it wide is 2,500 hectares which kind of exotic flora and fauna. Life resources that founded in the lake like red pinang, arwana fish, and balido fish are protected. Kind of wild animals at Fauna Reservation at Pulau Besar and Bawah Lake are unique wealth for water recreation tour at Riau
Sabtu, 26 April 2008
Elephants Training
At Sebanga-Duri that interval estimate from Pekanbaru City is 139 kilometers founded training and taming center for elephant at Riau Province. As one of attractive tourism objects at Riau found there is give some, entertain that seeing attraction and demonstration of elephants. As wild animal, elephant can tame at Sebanga School for Elephants. The elephants can attract as like: salute to visitor, step over big size of pieces of wood that was pile, pull up piece of wood using it trunk, step over men which sleep on ground, etc
Limbungan Lake
The dam that was initially established for the irrigation purposes is located in the area surrounded by beautiful panoramic range of hills, which has an attraction as a tourist spot. Viewing such potential, this place is then developed by as tourist area furnished with various facility and means for recreational spot is around 10 km from the center of Pekanbaru City and it can be reached by public transportation. Not far from there, there is also a location made as the arena of motocross racing competition
Alam Mayang Fishing Park
Muara Takus

The temple complex is the largest ancient brick building in Sumatra. The tall temple part, known as Mahligai Temple, has the unusual shape of a tower, rather than the squat bell-shape normally associated with Buddhist architecture. Several other foundations can be seen nearby, like Bungsu Temple, a platform on which once stood two statue, and Tua Temple, originally the largest structure of all, with two stairways leading up to yet another temple parts.
The main road to Bukittinggi takes through the swamplands covering the lowland of Riau. The land has been cleared and cultivated. Where the peat is thick, pineapple and coconuts grow. Further to the west, the peat gets thinner, making the land suitable for rice cultivation.
Taluk Kuantan

Taluk Kuantan lies at the upstream part (Hilir) of Indragiri River. In the early years, this river was used to carry the gold, which was mined in West Sumatra, to the east coast of Sumatra.
Taluk Kuantan is the centre of Pacu Jalur, a traditional boat race held every year in remembrance Indonesia's independence day on the 17th of August. More than 100 teams from all over Riau province join the race. Each team rows their line, a long and slender boat that carries 50 to 60 people, along a track setout on Indragiri River. The races start on Wednesday in the third or fourth week of August. The boats gather upstream and race to each other two by two. The winner makes the next round. The final is held on Sunday.
Riau Cultural Park

Balai Adat

Grand Mosque of Pekanbaru

Siak Sri Indrapura

The old palace of Siak Sri Indrapura is definitely worth a visit. It is located 125 km northeast from Pekanbaru and can best be reached from Pekanbaru over land. It was built 1889 by Sultan Abdul Jalil Syarifuddin, in the 11th of 12th sultans who ruled Siak from 1725 to 1945 the M Arches and Minarets give the palace a strong Indian Moghui look representative of stills during the colonials times. The Palace was refurbished in 1989.
The palace stores a collection of properties of the last sultans. In the reception area, life size figures of the sultan and his courtiers welcome the visitor. Inside the palace, one can admire the gold plated royal throne and a duplicate of the royal crown. The original gold crown has been brought to the National Museum in Jakarta. Large photographs of the last sultans decorate the walls of the palace.
The last sultans formed a part of the Dutch establishment. Much of the decor in the palace is European. A big attraction is Komet, a large German music player, whose perforated metal disks tinkle tunes of Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss, brought by the sultan from a visit to Europe in 1896. People say that there are only two left in the world.
Siak Sultanate's Park


Under the reign of the fourth Sultan of Siak, Sultan Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah (1766-1780), Senapelan was made the central seat of Siak kingdom. During this period, trade developed prosperously, and the idea emerged to establish a 'pekan', a kind of market of which the activities were performed on certain days of the week. After the death of the Sultan, his son, Sultan Muhammad Ali Abdul Jalil Muazzam Syah, who reigned from 1780 to 1782, further pursued the idea. From 1784, the name Senapelan started to be no longer in use, but the city was referred to as Pekanbaru (new trading place) instead.
The old lighthouse was built in 1826. It is located about 9 km of Muntok district. In the surrounding area we still can find wrecks of Dutch and British ships, which were torpedoed by Japanese warships during the Second World War, on 16 February 1942. Take our time to climb up 199 steps to reach the top of the lighthouse and enjoy the spectacular view from the height of approximately 60 M above sea level. We can see the whole beaches in Muntok
The Mentok smelting plant was built in March 1963 and completed in February 1967 by a German Company "Klockner Industrie Anlagen", spending the total cost of USD 2.6 million. This is the only smelting plant in Indonesia. Here the famous Bankatin is made. A short visit to the factory will give us an idea of how the tin one is smelted, which is done at a temperature of about up to 1,350 °C
Mount Menumbung (355 meters) a rather high hill in the neighborhood of Mentok (North West Banka) stands as a memorial to the history of the Indonesian nation. It was built in 1932 during the DUTCH occupation period by Bangka Tin Winning Bedrijf (BTW) as a V.I.P. Guest House on the top of Mount Menumbung, is about 500 M above sea level.
Our former President Soekarno and the Vice President Moh. Hatta stayed in the guesthouse during their exile in 1949. Foreign missions came there for negotiating with our former President; the plane from UNCI (United Nations Commission for Indonesia) flew back and forth from Jakarta to Bangka Island during that period. This place is also called as Wisma Ranggam. The room, which was used, by the late President as well as his car is still can be seen in the building. Many Indonesians still like to visit this place of pilgrimage and see the well-kept personal belongings of the two former leaders, which are still in the compound.
Most of Indonesian Island, lies in a volcanic belt, however, Bangka Island has no volcanoes. The Pemali Hot Springs is naturally created pool from the underground hot springs in the area. The tin workers found it and today a recreation park exists around the spring's area. Please make sure to bring along your swimming suit and be ready to jump into the hot water pool or just relax and enjoy the panoramic view of the recreation park. Pemali Hot Springs is the main tourism of Sungailiat town. This hot springs come from the active land and suit for health and avoid the rigidly by stand in the water. This tourism objects has equipped with some tourism facilities such as; hotels, shops, etc
Passing through the country side, small villages and pepper plantations along the route, an unusual and splendid view will be observed from the top of a mountain in the mining area, looking down about 100 M you will see the progress of the tin mine. People from Siantan and Johor of Malaysia first discovered tin in Bangka Island in 1710, since then a lot of traders from Asia as well as from Europe stopped and visited Bangka Island. To operate the tin mines, skilled labors were imported from Malacca and China. This is the only open pit tin the excavation and in the future mine in Indonesia will grow much larger and deeper




Bangka-Belitung is one of Indonesia provinces. It includes two large islands, Bangka and Belitung, and several smaller ones, which lie east of Sumatra, northeast of South Sumatra province. Bangka Belitung (BABEL) Islands province is the 31st Province in Indonesia, one of the newest provinces. Bangka Belitung get it’s approved as a new province in 2001 separated with south Sumatra. That acknowledgement is because of the people struggle. The region that was a great tin mines, now already to reach the new phase in its life. It provisioned with the beautiful of nature, and the uniquely of culture, Bangka Belitung step to the better future.
Supported by the “Serumpun Sabalai” spirit and abundant natural resources, it has been expecting a greater role to speed up the island region's development, namely Bangka regency, Belitung regency and Pangkal Pinang city through cooperation development. That potency of culture and tourism is also supported by its strategic location that can connect with other interesting area. The sea transportation that become the most accessibility in Bangka Belitung Island, is support its economics activities among the Islands.
The richness of Bangka Belitung Island of nature and tin mines until its maritime rich, make Bangka Belitung a magnet for the new comers to get a better life. A Balinese countryside is found in this Island named Giri Jati village, complete with all of Bali culture that remembering us to Bali Island. Beside Bali tribe, we also can found Bugis tribe that adds the various cultures in Bangka Balitung Island. This Bugis tribe can be found in the fishermen village at Tanjung Binga. Otherwise, the original tribe, Melayu culture has strong influence in the traditional ceremony and religious ceremony. One of the ceremonies is Rebo Kasan Ceremony that done by Air Anyer village people. It is believed that one day of a year, the God give His 320,000 angels in the world. The people must together to pray. This ceremony was held in the beach, but now on, it held in the mosque then continued to the beach. Formerly, this ceremony become the people party with its star party is ‘Dambus’ art.
Bangka Belitung province is located between 104°50' - 109°30' East Longitude and 0°50' - 4°10' South Latitude, with its total area of 81,724.54 km.
Administrativelly, Bangka Belitung comprises of 2 regencies and 1 city, namely Bangka regency, Belitung regency and Pangkal Pinang City, of which, the biggest regency's area is Bangka regency with 11,534.14 km area, and the smallest is Pangkal Pinang City, with 89.40 km area.
There are two seasons that are suitable for sailing to these islands: February-March and October-November, when the wind and the waves are low. The heaviest rainfall is around 2,500 mm per annum with its average temperature between 25°C - 26°C.
In 2001, Babel's population was 920,729 consisted of 462,640 men and 458,089 women. The biggest population among the regencies was Bangka regency, 583,841 people, while the most density population was Pangkalpinang City, with its 1,396 people/km. In 2001, the growth of population reached 1.49 % per annum averagely. Labor. In 2000, its labor force recorded as many as 100,825 people
Senin, 21 April 2008
Trekking in Kerinci - Seblat

Berbak National Park

Muara Jambi

Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park

Kerinci Seblat National Park

Mount Tujug and Kerinci Lake

Mount Kerinci

Dendam Tak Sudah Lake


Bukit Kaba Crater

Bukit Daun


Thomas Stamford Raffles was an important figure in Bengkulu history, which in 1817 was appointed as a Lieutenant-Governor of Bencoolen, the only territory in the area, which the Dutch had never managed to bring under their control. Raffles was an extraordinary and energetic man of wide-ranging interests. In the year of his arrival, he and a botanist named Joseph Arnold discovered the world's largest flower, at Manna River near Lubuktapi, in South Bengkulu. The flower is now known as Rafflesia Arnoldi and is the official symbol of Bengkulu province.
Tabah Penanjung, an hour drive into the hills above Bengkulu is a nature reserve where rafflesias are often found. Mt Bukit Kaba, near the hill town of Curup can be climbed in a day from Bengkulu.
Minggu, 20 April 2008
Sembilang National Park
In the eastern part of the region there is a 45.000 square hectares Sembilang Wildlife Reserve. Sembilang National Park was setup in 2003 in southeastern Sumatra. Over 350,000 hectares of peat swamp, freshwater swamp and mangroves, the park is host to a few critically endangered Sumatran tigers. Sembilang is such a paradise for various kinds of protected birds like lesser adjutant stork, milky stork, spot billed pelican, wild duck, eagle, hornbill, etc. There are also two kinds of Sumatra crocodile, i.e. crocodilus porosus and tomistoma slegeli. In Sembilang river there also lives irrawadi dolphins and humpback dolphins.
Bukit Siguntang

Putri Cave

Ranau Lake

Banding Agung, along the northern shore, is the most important agricultural and fishery community along the lake and does have several clean and cheap lodges. The residents live from the cultivation of coffee, tobacco and clove. Furthermore, rice is grown, as well as juicy pineapples, bananas and avocado's, which are sold very cheap locally. The lake is full of fish, which are grilled in small restaurants at the lakeside. The blinking, golden sunset reflects fishermen in canoes on the flat lake, with a silhouette of the mountains at the back.
There's much to do around the lake. A trip of fifteen minutes from Wisma Pusri leads through some forests along coffee plantations and rice fields to the Subik fall, which scatters on the rocks not too far from the lake itself. Other trip, on the lake by a hired boat, takes us to a hot water source at the foot of Mount Seminung. The source now is separated from the lake by a wall, so the hot and the cold water can't mix anymore. But be careful, the warm water really hot, and the sand nearby can be very warm as well. Snorkeling is also possible, and unsure swimmers can get an inflated inner type.
Across the hot water source is a small island, which is known as Marisa Island. A local legend tells about a handsome young prince, Putri Aisah, which had two lovers, Sipahit Lidah (Bitter Tongue) and Simata Empat (Four Eyes). She promised to marry the one, who could build a bridge over the entire lake in one night. When the sun rose, Marisa siland was the only part of the bridge that was finishes, to both lovers were rejected. On the island, the palm trees offer some shade, ideal to have a rest or a sleep. Adventurous people can also make an expedition to the peak of mount Seminung. There also is a centre where elephants are tamed and elephants can be hired for a jungle 'safari'.
Kemarao Island

Kemaro Island, a small island with a Buddhist temple and the grave of a Palembang princess. The legend tells that the princess was sent to marry the king of china. When she arrived, boats with big pottery pots were sent ashore. The king expected gold and opened them, but the first one only had vegetables. He ordered the other pots to be thrown in the river. When the princess saw that happening, she jumped in the river and drowned. Several of the pots broke, and they indeed contained gold. The princess was buried on the island, and the temple, which is built next to it, is said to bring luck
Curup Tenang waterfall

Punti Kayu Natural Pine Forest

The Museums
The state museum is relatively new building and was erected in 1977 only; however, its collection of around 2000 relics and antiquities originating from the province would make a real treat for the visitors who would come here. We can see ancient household articles, utensils, looms, hunting tools, a bridal room and some preserved animals of the region.
Mount Dempo

Ampera Bridge

"Limas", the traditional house

Musi River

There is an annual event, which is held around the Independence Day, each 17th of August, and is known as Bidar Race in which boats measuring 24.5 m long and only 0,75 m wide compete. Each boat carries as many as 50 oarsmen.