The water is scattered with bagan, fixed fishing plateaus, which seem to float on the surface with their spider like look. After the sunset the fishermen set out their huge fishing nets. They use lights to attract fish groups. Twice or three times a night the nets are raised and emptied, mostly small fish are caught.
A small road takes us along a shrimp farm and will eventually end at the main road near Jelateng (where there is a Thursday market). A few kilometers ahead are Sekotongdistrict, which concludes the entire peninsula. Near Sekotong Tengah an unpaved road runs to Sepi.
Most houses along the coast are simple wooden houses with red paned roof. Just of the beach are many small islands. Coconut trees and mangroves are intermixed with white beaches. Open trucks are the only way of public transport as yet. 'Bemo' are available when the road is paved. In the west of Sekatong District (Sekatong Barat) is a Balinese settlement, Batu Liong, with a small shrine and a temple off the coast.
Pelangan village has a very nice beach, and just off the beach we can have a nice place for snorkeling. In this area we can also find a pearl-farm, managed by Japanese. The people are very friendly; if we pay, we can stay in their houses and take part in their village life. The villagers are very poor and need all the money for their basic needs like medicine and clothing
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